Thursday 17 May, 2007

The Greatest of the Journeys...

Well have been seeing this quite often of late,
"The Greatest of the Journeys are the ones that take you home"...yeah of "The Namesake" fame.

A couple of years back I would have concurred with those lines..those days when I was far faaar away from home and used to get home twice in a year..loved to get drenched in the rain, being inside the train heading home after the summer heat in the north indian plains, the greenery, those lovely lakes, fishermen, the sunset.......n the tak-tak-tak-ta-tak of the Super Fast train...

Well of late I am getting a bit tired n bored of all these n getting used to it...n have felt on many an occassion that....

"The Greatest of the Journeys are the ones that take you AWAY from home"

Rofl :)

1 comment:

Hitchhiker said...

:) hehehe..reminds me of your college T-shirt...the one with flaying hands from the windows of a rickety public bus :)